Dramione Month

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy:
A relationship across time and space


Who? Hosted by Emi (@starsinmotion_) and Rei (@nocteacakes) for the Dramione Community.What? A whole month dedicated to celebrating Dramione!When? September 2024Where? Wherever fan works are celebrated. There will be an Ao3 collection, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, anywhere you wish to share.For all works: We require all NSFW works to be properly tagged. Please tag any relevant triggers or sensitive content. ‘Author Chose Not to Use Content Warnings’ is not permitted and offending works will be removed from the collection until corrected.Important dates to keep in mind:
All Week Themes Revealed: June 23
Daily Prompt Voting Begins: June 24
Daily Prompt Voting Closes: June 28
Full Calendar Release: July 1


What ships are allowed?
As this is Dramione month, all works must be Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy-centric. Side/minor pairings are allowed, but please ensure your work is celebrating Draco and Hermione as the main pairing.
Do I have to commit for the entire month?
Absolutely not! You can post as many or as few as you want! Please do not feel pressured to post every single day–participation does not require signing up for more than one day or prompt. Daily participation is not required.
Can I post if I have something related to the weekly theme but it’s not a daily prompt?
Yes! We will have a free day at the end of each theme week to allow for this. On free days, we will be celebrating and sharing posts of whatever content creators wish to share, related to the weekly theme.
What if I have something that doesn’t fit any of the daily or weekly themes?
Not a problem at all! We’d love to see your posts and content. We will have a final free-for-all stretch beginning September 29th and ending on September 30th. Whether related to a weekly theme you still wish to post, or your own ideas related to Dramione, it’s the last few days of celebration and anything is allowed.
Can I post WIPs?
Yes! Fics, art, socmeds, drabbles, etc do not have to be complete when posted. We only ask that you do not post a work for a yet-unreleased theme that is coming up.
If I miss a day, can I still post my work?
Yes! You are free to post for any past day’s theme during September. We only ask that you do not post ahead of schedule, e.g. posting your day 20 theme piece on day 4.
Can I post dead doves or work with explicit or sensitive content?
Yes! We allow all content as long as they are properly tagged.
How will you be sharing content?
Feel free to quote-retweet the prompt each day with drabbles, fic links, sketches, etc! Also feel free to use our hashtag, #dramionemonth for any work you wish for us to share on twitter/tumblr, or add to our ao3 collection. Remember that you’re also able to share work for any previous days’ themes! We don’t want to miss out on any of your incredible work.
What is the Daily Prompt Voting Form for?
We will have a poll form where the community can vote for their top choices to become a daily prompt for each theme week. At the end of the voting period, we will compile the top results and create a calendar for Dramione Month.
Have more questions that aren’t answered here? No problem! Email us or drop us a line on twitter.

First, a few important points. We will be celebrating Dramione Month on three platforms: Tumblr, Twitter, and of course AO3. We will be tracking the tag #dramione month (with a space) on Tumblr and #dramionemonth (no space) on Twitter. We will be reblogging all relevant posts tagged with #dramione month and retweeting the same on Twitter. There is also an AO3 collection. Feel free to post on all three platforms if you so choose!We’ll go over the AO3 collection further down in the FAQ. Posting to the collection is not required. Feel free to post on whichever platform(s) you’d like!

On Tumblr
— We will be posting the daily prompt as an image post every day! Feel free to reblog and add your relevant work underneath, we’ll reblog your post!
— We will also be tracking #dramione month and will reblog any stand-alone posts as well. If you are posting separately, please indicate the Prompt/Day your work is for somewhere near the top so we can tag it in our reblog!
— Please tag any relevant content or trigger warnings at the top, if applicable.
— We will be tagging all posts we reblog with both the week theme and individual day prompt for easier navigation.
— Again, we wanted to reiterate that Dramione Month is open to all types of creative works. Feel free to post art pieces, sketches, drabbles, socmeds, ficlets, one-shots, WIP fics, etc.
— We will also be posting a round-up of works posted to the AO3 collection at the end of each day.

On Twitter
— We will be posting the daily prompt as an image tweet every day! Feel free to quote retweet and add your relevant work – we’ll retweet your post!
— We will also be tracking #dramionemonth all month and will retweet any tweets tagged as well. Please indicate the Prompt/Day your work is for at the top.
— Please tag any relevant content or trigger warnings at the top, if applicable.
— Again, we wanted to reiterate that Dramione Month is open to all types of creative works. Feel free to post art pieces, sketches, drabbles, socmeds, ficlets, one-shots, WIP fics, etc.
— We will also be posting a round-up of works posted to the AO3 collection at the end of each day!

On AO3— Dramione Month’s AO3 collection is here. Each Daily prompt is its own Prompt that you can claim as part of the collection; this includes the weekly Free Days! You are free to claim as many or as few as you’d like.
— All works posted to the collection will be hidden and anonymous until the relevant day/prompt occurs, i.e. if you post a work for the Day 20 prompt, it will remain hidden and anonymous until September 20th. Works posted for a previous date’s prompt will not be hidden.
— Works with sensitive and explicit content, including dead doves, are allowed. Please use AO3’s tagging system for all relevant warnings and potentially triggering content. Works with ‘Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings’ will not be allowed.
— Works do not have to be complete to post. We encourage WIP works.
— The collection will remain open for a few weeks after the end of Dramione Month to allow for late claiming and posting. Please feel free to post for past days during the month as well!
— Again, posting to AO3 is optional.

Have more questions that aren’t answered here? No problem! Email us or drop us a line on twitter or tumblr.